Accessible Travel

Auf Barrierefreiheit wurde eine 23 km lange Strecke - von der Bahnstation Oßmannstedt bis zum Bahnhof Bad Sulza - geprüft. Für diesen Abschnitt des Ilmtal-Radweges liegen Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit vor. Es handelt sich nicht um einen Rundweg.
Parking spaces
There are general parking spaces without parking spaces especially for people with disabilities at the train station in Oßmannstedt and at the train station in Bad Sulza too.
Train stations
There is a train station in Oßmannstedt. That platform unfortunately is too low for low-floor trains. Please request the mobile ramp from the train staff in advance. The Ilmtal-Radweg does not directly pass the train station Oßmannstedt. But it´s very close to it, about 400 meter. There is no direction sign from the train station to the Ilmtal-Radweg. Just follow the main road downwards into the village and you will cross the Ilmtal-Radweg. The platforms at the train station in Bad Sulza are accessible via a ramp without steps. The platform heights are adapted to low-floor trains.
General information about the cycling path
Resting areas and seatings are available, e.g. at the train station Oßmannstedt, in Niederroßla, between Mattstedt and Wickerstedt, in Eberstedt, between Eberstedt and Darnstedt and at the train station Bad Sulza.
Information on steps and thresholds
There are no steps or thresholds.
Information on the width of the path
On this section the Ilmtal-Radweg has an ordinary width of three meter. At some places you will have an narrower range, e.g. at passages of 1,30 meter between obstacles. 
Information on longitudinal slope of the path
There are longitudinal gradients of more than 5% up to 8.5% in various places. The largest rise of 8.5% is about 15 meter between Niederrossla and Zottelstedt. The longest ascent of 8% is about 100 m between Oßmannstedt and Oberroßla. Between Mattstedt and "Zur Poche" there is a gradient with 8% longitudinal slope over 200 m.
Information on the surface condition
Primarily, the surface condition is designed to be low-vibration and easy to walk and drive on.

81,0 % asphalt
0,5 % concreted
3,3 % smoothly pavement
0,4 % coarse pavement
14,8 % water-bound surface

The cobbled paved sections are especially in villages, what can be typical for that region.
Details of obstacles
There are some obstacles with a width of 130 -145 centimetres.
Information for sharing the path
Usually the cycling path runs on trails off motor traffic (biking, hiking and horse trails separately), on farm and forest roads and on roads with a little traffic, especially in small villages. Sometimes there are secured and unsecured crossings of roads with motor traffic, e.g. an unsecured crossing at "Zur Poche", there you have to cross a bigger main road B87 and once more in the village of Darnstedt an unsecured crossing is necessary.
Information on signposting system
The whole cycle path is marked in a clear and consistent form according to the signposting system.